For Small and Family-owned Businesses

Your key to digital success
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Enterprise-grade solutions for local businesses in central texas

Message from the CEO

To my friends, neighbors and colleagues in the greater Austin area:

My career spanned decades - starting with my own small, family-owned business, to the world of tech startups and large enterprises. My focus has always been on sales and marketing - how to identify the ideal customer for any given product or service, and architect a plan to get in front of them.

While I learned more than I could've imagined, my soul draws me back to our local economy, to small and medium-sized, family-owned businesses that mean more than just the bottom line. When I moved to Elgin in 2017, and met so many talented business owners and service providers who, to be fair, had enjoyed much of their success without leveraging the world wide web and the opportunities that it provides. So, I have installed myself as a medium or a go-between, so that you can focus on your local, remote or brick-and-mortar business, and know that you're in good hands when it comes to actualizing your digital presence and dipping your cup into the online stream of business opportunities.

Now is the time to go for it. Whether you've been in business for years, or are just getting started, we have a suite of solutions available to you, from one-on-one executive coaching to development of your product or service's digital stake and physical presence.  America's power is in our small business economy, and we are passionate about taking yours to the next level.

I hope you will reach out to discuss your business - they say talk is cheap?  Well, the first call is always free :-)

Aaron Diek
CEO, InterestCorp

the startup success laboratory

from ideation to valuation.

WeB & Asset development

Whether you're looking for an individual or a team to make your idea a reality, InterestCorp can help you find the way.

go-to-market strategy

When it is time to take your product or service to the next level, InterestCorp can help, from guidance to execution.

Local & Digital Marketing

Scaling your sales org is and art and a science, InterestCorp can help you rapidly prototype new sales processes.

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Our team is proud to have worked with:

Talk is cheap. the first call's free.

Let's build something

For fifteen years we have been at the forefront of web and mobile application development.  Whether you need a quick "business card" type website, or you're looking to build something dynamic and complex - InterestCorp is the best choice in Central Texas

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Let's take it to market

We are experts both in digital and boots-on-the-ground marketing efforts. We can help with everything from email and phone marketing and physical signage to digital search engine marketing.
The best is yet to come!

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